
Parish Council

This is the home of Otterton Parish Council, Devon, England.

Otterton Parish Council welcomes you to its website. We hope you find it useful and informative.

Parish Councils form the first level of local government and they consist of local councillors who volunteer their time to serve their local community. Your Parish Council comprises of eight Councillors who serve a four-year term.

Councillors can be either elected, or co-opted if there is an unoccupied seat available. The Parish elections take place every four years. It is these Councillors that become your village representatives and make decisions on behalf of the Parish.

The Council usually meets ten times a year in February, March, April, May, July, September October , November and December, on the first Monday of the month. Meetings are held in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. The Annual Meeting, at which the Chairman is elected, is held in April. In addition, each April, the Parish Council hold a specific Annual Public Meeting to report back to residents about the previous year.

The dates of any upcoming meetings are shown on the Agendas and Minutes page. Agendas are also posted on noticeboards and on the website  before each meeting. Noticeboards are located near the Kings Arms.

Otterton Parish Council welcomes your input, and all residents are invited and very welcome to attend the meetings. If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.