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                    reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Village Hall

Village Hall Committee

The Village Hall committee is seeking additional people since two long standing members are
leaving the village. The committee meets in the Hall 4 or 5 times per year to discuss things on
the agenda such as:

Treasurer’s report, regulatory requirements, aspects around the Community shop, maintenance,
any other business. As well as these more mundane essentials there is always scope for new
ideas. For instance, recent new projects have included:
fitting LED lighting, fitting a film screen and sound system, replacing all the chairs,
installing fast wi-fi in the Hall and now the proposed installation of solar panels to supply
electricity to the Community shop.

New Committee members can bring fresh ideas on how we can maintain and improve this
important village facility.

Current members of the Village Hall Committee are: Emma Cooling, Joan Cullen, Claire Lister,
David Pankhurst, Geoff Porter, Catherine Randall Secretary, Belinda Shoemaker, Iain Ure, Sharon
Young Treasurer.

Please contact any member or David Pankhurst 568104 if you are interested to be a Committee

The Hall is a charity, leased from Devon Clinton Estates with the Community Shop a tenant. It
hosts various classes, parties, meetings, election venue, film evening, coffee mornings, social
events, games evenings, exhibitions, events.


The Village Hall committee would like to install solar panels on the South facing roof. (click here for the full proposal).

The Village Hall Committee would welcome your opinion on the proposal to install solar panels on the South facing roof of the village Hall. The idea is to supply green electricity mainly for the Community Shop as well as the Hall itself. In order to successfully apply for a grant we need to have involved the community and taken the views of as many people as possible.

Please click here to fill in the Questionaire, it's very quick.

Hall Booking

The Village Hall can now be booked on-line click here to make a booking.

To book the hall contact Joan Cullen by E-mail by clicking here or by phone on 01395 567574. When the booking is agreed you will be required to complete the Hire's Agreement a copy of which is below.

Hirer's Agreement

The Village Hall is used by various groups and clubs, it is also used for many fund raising events. It is also used for parties, wedding receptions, and numerous other functions and open to Villagers and Non-villagers. For hall charges see below.

Hall Charges

Hire Charges as ruling at 1st April 2024

Main Hall £24 £42 £74
Extra Hour £6 £12 £20

Committee Room £16 £32 £46
Extra Hour £4.50 £9 £14

Prices are for up to a 4 hour session (including setting up time)

Otterton Village Hall Appeal

Our Village Hall plays an important and necessary role in village life. In recent years the Trustees have managed, through grants and fund raising to update the toilet facilities, refurbish the kitchen, replace the roof, update the heating system, replace the stage curtains as well as providing disabled access in accordance with Health and Safety Standards and EU Directives. It is now necessary to raise funds to replace the existing lighting with more efficient low energy lighting as well as renewing the décor of the hall both inside and out; a programme of appeals for grants is under way.

If you have any ideas for the use of the Hall, views on necessary maintenance or assistance you may be able to give with funding sources, please pass your thoughts here.

Lease & Constitution Documents

  1924 Village Hall Lease Document

  1964 Village Hall Constitution

  1995 Update to Constitution

  2016 Constitution Amendments

To view a document simply click on the PDF logo.



For a larger view of the image simply click on it.

Entrance to Hall

Front of Hall

Inside Main Hall

Main Hall Seated



© Otterton Village 2024